Arrangement Tegnetriennalen 2023

Filmer fra The School of Panamerican Unrest på Kunstnernes Hus

November 28, 2023


November 28, 2023

Initiated by Mexican artist Pablo Helguera, The School of Panamerican Unrest has garnered support from over 40 organizations and 100 affiliated artists, curators, and cultural promoters across the Americas. The project aims to address the need for inter-regional communication amongst English, Spanish, and Portuguese speaking America, as well as other communities in the Caribbean and beyond, beyond commercial and economic links.

As part of Tegnetriennalen 2023, two videos documenting The School of Panamerican Unrest's journey through the Americas will be screened.

Venue: Kunstnernes Hus
28 November
Time: 6–7:30pm
Type: Film screening

Brief introduction
Screening of two films (approx. 70 min)
Conversation between audience Itzel Esquivel and Belén Santillán (Tenthaus) (approx. 20 min)

For Tegnetriennalen Pablo Helguera is showing the work "HE ARADO EN EL MAR" It consists of a flag produced for an exhibition titled "Juntos Aparte" ("apart together") organized by fundación El Pilar in Cúcuta, Colombia, which is the city right in the border of Venezuela, and the location where Simón Bolívar founded La Gran Colombia (his failed attempt to create a Pan-American nation). Bolívar, at the end of his life and feelign defeated, is credited to having said "whoever tries to promote democracy in Latin America is plowing the sea". The flag represents the high hopes and daunting task of coming together, and will be showed outside Kunstnernes Hus on the occasion of the screening.

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