
Janne Kruse

May 31, 2018


Jul 1, 2018

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Velkommen til utstillingsåpning torsdag 31 mai kl.18.

Déjà Vu 

and then

I was thinking what I thought I’m thinking and then I

thought what I’m thinking I thought and then I tried to

remember what I thought I tried and then I wrote what

I thought I wrote and I tried to write what I thought I

write and then I forgot what I thought I forgot and what

I wrote was what I was I was and what it was was

what I remembered I was what I was and then I tried

to believe what it meant I believed and I witnessed

what I wrote I witnessed and it wasn’t what I had

thought it wasn’t and it replaced my thought what my

thought wasn’t I replaced and then I failed to believe

what I wrote I didn’t and I thought what I wrote I did

and I fought what I thought I fought and I thought what

I fought I thought and then I awoke what I wanted I

wrote and what I wrote was my dream I thought as

I wrote


Janne Kruse (f. 1979, Aarhus, Danmark) er utdannet fra Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo og Central Academy of Fine Art i Beijing. Seneste separatutstillinger inkluderer Volt, Bergen (2018); Galleri F15, Moss (2017); Trykkeriet, Bergen (2016); RAKE Visningsrom, Trondheim (2015); Aiyo Space, Beijing (2014) og Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo (2013). Hun har blant annet deltatt på gruppeutstillinger på Noplace, Oslo (2018); Aarhus Kunsthal, Aarhus (2016); Vigelands-museet, Oslo (2015) og Luda Gallery, St. Petersburg (2015). Parallelt med sitt eget virke er hun en del av kunstnerkollektivet Verdensteatret. 


Utstillingen er støttet av Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond.


Arrangementer i utstillingsperioden 


Søndag 3. juni kl. 13: ’Møt kunstnerne’. Heidi Øiseth og Janne Kruse holder omvisning i utstillingene sine. 

Torsdag 14. juni kl. 17: Samtale mellom Janne Kruse og Mette Karlsvik 

Arrangementene er gratis og åpne for alle. 

Tegnerforbundet holder åpne omvisninger hver onsdag kl.16.30 i utstillingsperioden. For oppdateringer om aktuelle arrangementer følg med på vår hjemmeside og Facebook. 


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